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Fitness Coaching

Fitness Coaching

Backed by science, fueled by you.

Exercise doesn't have to mean crowded gyms and heavyweights.

Together, we will create you a custom plan for optimal health, muscle gain, fat loss, and injury recovery & prevention

What's included:


+ 90-min Consultation - to determine your baseline values, set goals, and to get to know your fitness journey.



+ An Overview of Fitness and the importance of daily exercise as it applies to health. If you're new to exercise, this is the perfect place to start.



+ A Personalized Google Doc that includes your customized fitness plan (time, intensity, type)and core routines so that you can check-off your workouts and stay on track with your goals. 



+ Personalized Caloric Calculations for fat loss, muscle gain, general health.



+ Support and Accountability - Email, Text, Phone  

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