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Wellness Coaching

Let's face it, living healthfully can be daunting and even more so when you're constantly bombarded with conflicting messages. Together, we will create a plan that empowers you to live your best life based on your lifestyle and specific needs.


Services include but are not limited to: nutrition coaching, meal planning, weight management, non-toxic living, fitness coaching (beginner to advanced training)

What's Included:


Initial  90-min Consultation-

We'll cover your personal health and diet history, current lifestyle practices, and goals for your health.


+ Overview of Nutrition -

The food you eat is the single greatest determinant of your overall health. This will lay the foundation for including more whole plant foods in your diet.​


+ Comprehensive Wellness Plan -

Lifestyle modifications and suggestions based on your needs and goals. (Need help implementing these changes? Follow-up sessions and monthly check-ins are available based on your specific needs and goals.)


Fee Schedule:


90-minute consultation + comprehensive wellness plan: $150


60-minute: Follow-up sessions (must complete initial 90-minute consultation): $75


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